Join events, discover and download tools and resources, then check out my work.

What is here

I have put a lot of love to making this website portal for you.
Here you can find what I do, purchase and download resources from assets I use everyday, and become a part of the adventure.

What I do

I work accross the spectrum from creative development to complete animation production - with experience, know-how, imagination, opensource tools and custom in-house pipelines.







See the Portfolio

Give Support

- To develop Bforartists
- To do Events
- To Create, Teach and Share with the community

Give Love


I'm Andres Stephens, and I love 3D animation and piterly.

I have worked as a Technical Director and 3D Generalist in the industry for the past 10+ years producing linear content like short films, product showcases, motion graphics, infographics, children's television series, commercials, tv pilots, game asset packs and more for various clients locally and around the world.

More about me


Unreal Engine Logo

Unreal Engine

Bforartists Logo



Kirta Logo




Davinci Fusion


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I develop for the creative community.

These projects require planning and execution.

As you know, this takes time.

A classic computer and headphones 3D icon

I depend on providing services to pay for fixed costs.

Covering costs makes time for development.

A stopwatch and kanban 3D icon

Ironically, this process removes valuable time from target development.

But, with your help, we can create time for the projects we love best.
I measure my labour carefully through time tracking and a point based Kanban system, open publicly.

When I assign points to project tasks, I can work and delegate time efficiently.

You can follow progress directly on my custom Gsheet Kanban, discuss labour on Discord, and subscribe to my bi-weekly newsletter to be up to speed.

But we can do more...

When you donate or become a monthly patron, every dollar counts towards one of these projects.

We can cover studio costs. When we do, I can re-assign dedicated hours to elaborate projects, delegate tasks, and produce more for you and the creative community.


These are the projects I'm working on. Each project includes a description, in-depth information, progress, current status, and more.

Do you like any of these projects? 

You can support any of these projects in progress or to do with a patronage or direct donation.