This new event has a special guest with a slew of questions about the Android Repair Service painterly effect - so this session we will be answering questions on how it was done.
Winner announcement event showcasing the artwork live and giving away prizes - and also what's new with a Q&A and tour of the latest features from Bforartists4.1.0.
- Prize Announcement: Tradigalist Toolbag, an interview with Alan Wyatt
-Bforartists: Competitions Updates
-Discussion: NPR and the Spiderverse
-Announcement: Android Repair Shop Episode 06 - Official Release
-Bforartists: Competitions Updates and Plans
-Blockout Tips, take 2
You have two options: you can register to Discord, join the Bforartists discord server to connect or talk in the live chat during the event, or you can watch live on Youtube or Twitch.
You can also watch previous events on the Youtube Playlist, as each session is stored there after the event.
If you'd like to ask questions and potentially join the voice chat live as a special guest, feel free to contact me or support the event on Ko-fi or Patreon.
Watch a weekly Q&A&Critique to see updates, meet other artists, ask questions and learn something new for the week.
This event takes some preparation, research, and some confidence to reach out to special guests. I put in time to prepare the topics and to present them to you so that you can learn more about the digital art community - and this means less work elsewhere. This is an effort.
You can support the event with a small one time or re-occuring donation. With your support, I can continue to grow the community, create content for you and help sponsor development for Bforartists. Every token is a huge motivator.
Alternatively you can support with action by sharing topics you'd like me to discuss, asking questions to address, suggesting special guests, or applying as a special guest for the show. Feel free to reach out in the contact form down below.