
Create a Splashscreen for Bforartists 4.2.0 and be in to win prizes!

Competition Details

Create a splashscreen with your art in Bforartists or Blender to win prizes.

The best art will be picked for the next official release of Bforartists 4.2.0.

You can work with any topic, as long as you have a 16:9 format with room for the logo at the top left corner of the image and a small area to add an image credit.

Best originality and composition wins!

First prize becomes a Splashscreen

Not only are there addons to win, but you could be featured as the official splashscreen of Bforartists, the next release of a GUi focused Blender fork. This opensource and free software gets up to 15,000 downloads per month!

Your artcould go here

Starts 4th of July: Ends 20th of July

Submit before 0000hr UTC
*Terms and Requirements apply

Be a part of the competition!



All entries must be the original work of the participant. CC0 third-party assets, textures and materials are permitted. Plagiarism, use of copyrighted material, or submissions containing third-party assets without proper credit will result in disqualification.

At the end of the day, the final image file must be original and GPL compatible.

Note: your image could be a previous image made at another period of time, no worries!

Submission Format

All submission must be a still image rendered at a 16:9 format landscape orientation, at 1920px by 1080px minimum in a *.jpg or *.png file format. You can render at higher dimensions is you'd like to, and it is encouraged.

Along with the final submission, participants are recommended to also post development in the Discord channel🔧-work-in-progress to show participation. A single wireframe or screenshot could do!

Bforartists Logo


All 3D work must be done in Blender and/or the fork Bforartists.

If you render in Bforartists, you get a 10% bonus for the qualification.

Participants are allowed use other software for texturing, sculpting, and other supporting tasks, but the final render must be created in Bforartists/Blender.


Lighting and Composition

Participants are recommended to pay close attention to lighting and composition to create a visually impressive and immersive image that draws the viewer in.

Creative Commons

Participants do not need to share the source file of the render, but the final image file must be licensed CC0 to be able to participate.

The final image will be used in an opensource GNU licensed software repository and distributed freely with the software.

With that said, you will be credited in the bottom right of the splashscreen!


Participants should aspire to push their skills! Do your best composition, form, technique, style and detail - striving for quality.

We want to show the best of the best! Your best. This is your time to shine, if you couldn't make it as a Blender Splashscreen, you could make it here.

The recommended dimensions and composition to keep in mind is highlighted in Yellow
Template - Right click and Save As

Judging Criteria

Each piece will be evaluated by a percentage system, where accumalative points puts you into the lead. The judges will be by yours truly, learn more about me here.


1st Place

  • Featured Splashscreen for Bforartists 4.2.0

    A free and opensource fork of Blender focused on GUI with over 10,000 downloads a month

  • With more to be announced!

2nd Place

  • To Be Announced

3rd Place

  • To Be Announced

How to Submit

You have two options: you can register to Discord, join the Bforartists discord server to participate and submit, OR you can submit your entry any time to the email listed below.

Instructions to Submit

  1. Register as a user of Discord, a free live chat platform with different communities.
  2. Join the Bforartists Discord server
  3. Show interest in the competition event listed at the top of the server channels
  4. Submit your work in progress in the Discord channel #🔧-work-in-progress to show participation. A single wireframe or screenshot could do!
  5. Submit your final Splashscreen in the Discord channel #submissions OR send to info@trinumedia.com
A screen capture of where to click on Ko-fi to make a donation to show your support.

How to support the event

This event takes some preparation, research, and some confidence to reach out to special guests. I put in time to prepare the topics and to present them to you so that you can learn more about the digital art community - and this means less work elsewhere. This is an effort.

You can support the event with a small one time or re-occuring donation. With your support, I can continue to grow the community, create content for you and help sponsor development for Bforartists. Every token is a huge motivator.

Alternatively you can support with action by sharing topics you'd like me to discuss, asking questions to address, suggesting special guests, or applying as a special guest for the show. Feel free to reach out in the contact form down below.

Learn more about why here

Instructions for Ko-fi and Patreon

  1. Register as a user of Ko-fi or Patreon, platforms that help you support your favorite artists.
  2. Register your method of payment, could be paypal or credit card
  3. Pledge a one off donation or a monthly donation, everything goes a long way!
  4. Hit the Donate button, then immediately feel good because this has made my day x14 times better! Thank you so much.